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Chink meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

چھید ۔ چھن چھن ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Chink (v. i.) To make a slight, sharp, metallic sound, as by the collision of little pieces of money, or other small sonorous bodies.
(2) - Chink (v. t.) To cause to make a sharp metallic sound, as coins, small pieces of metal, etc., by bringing them into collision with each other.
(3) - Chink (n.) Money; cash.
(4) - Chink (n.) A short, sharp sound, as of metal struck with a slight degree of violence.
(5) - Chink (v. t.) To fill up the chinks of; as, to chink a wall.
(6) - Chink (v. t.) To cause to open in cracks or fissures.
(7) - Chink (v. i.) To crack; to open.
(8) - Chink (n.) A small cleft, rent, or fissure, of greater length than breadth; a gap or crack; as, the chinks of wall.

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