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Clasp meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

بکسوا ۔ قبضہ ۔ گلے لگانا ۔ پکڑنا ۔ بند کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Clasp (n.) A close embrace; a throwing of the arms around; a grasping, as with the hand.
(2) - Clasp (n.) An adjustable catch, bent plate, or hook, for holding together two objects or the parts of anything, as the ends of a belt, the covers of a book, etc.
(3) - Clasp (v. t.) To surround and cling to; to entwine about.
(4) - Clasp (v. t.) To inclose and hold in the hand or with the arms; to grasp; to embrace.
(5) - Clasp (v. t.) To shut or fasten together with, or as with, a clasp; to shut or fasten (a clasp, or that which fastens with a clasp).

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