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Clove meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

لونگ ۔ لونگ کا درخت ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Clove (n.) A weight. A clove of cheese is about eight pounds, of wool, about seven pounds.
(2) - Clove (n.) One of the small bulbs developed in the axils of the scales of a large bulb, as in the case of garlic.
(3) - Clove (n.) A very pungent aromatic spice, the unexpanded flower bud of the clove tree (Eugenia, / Caryophullus, aromatica), a native of the Molucca Isles.
(4) - Clove (v. t.) A cleft; a gap; a ravine; -- rarely used except as part of a proper name; as, Kaaterskill Clove; Stone Clove.
(5) - Clove (imp.) Cleft.
(6) - Clove () of Cleave

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