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Constitutional meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

ذاتی ۔ خلقی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Constitutional (n.) A walk or other exercise taken for one's health or constitution.
(2) - Constitutional (a.) For the benefit or one's constitution or health; as, a constitutional walk.
(3) - Constitutional (a.) Relating to a constitution, or establishment form of government; as, a constitutional risis.
(4) - Constitutional (a.) Regulated by, dependent on, or secured by, a constitution; as, constitutional government; constitutional rights.
(5) - Constitutional (a.) In accordance with, or authorized by, the constitution of a state or a society; as, constitutional reforms.
(6) - Constitutional (a.) Belonging to, or inherent in, the constitution, or in the structure of body or mind; as, a constitutional infirmity; constitutional ardor or dullness.

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