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Couch meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

صوفہ ۔ آرام دہ پلنگ ۔ تولنا ۔ غلہ پھیلانا ۔ چھپانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Couch (v. t.) A preliminary layer, as of color, size, etc.
(2) - Couch (v. t.) A mass of steeped barley spread upon a floor to germinate, in malting; or the floor occupied by the barley; as, couch of malt.
(3) - Couch (v. t.) Any place for repose, as the lair of a beast, etc.
(4) - Couch (v. t.) A bed or place for repose or sleep; particularly, in the United States, a lounge.
(5) - Couch (v. i.) To bend the body, as in reverence, pain, labor, etc.; to stoop; to crouch.
(6) - Couch (v. i.) To lie down for concealment; to hide; to be concealed; to be included or involved darkly.
(7) - Couch (v. i.) To lie down or recline, as on a bed or other place of rest; to repose; to lie.
(8) - Couch (v. t.) To treat by pushing down or displacing the opaque lens with a needle; as, to couch a cataract.
(9) - Couch (v. t.) To put into some form of language; to express; to phrase; -- used with in and under.
(10) - Couch (v. t.) To arrange; to place; to inlay.
(11) - Couch (v. t.) To conceal; to include or involve darkly.
(12) - Couch (v. t.) To transfer (as sheets of partly dried pulp) from the wire cloth mold to a felt blanket, for further drying.
(13) - Couch (v. t.) To lay or deposit in a bed or layer; to bed.
(14) - Couch (v. t.) To arrange or dispose as in a bed; -- sometimes followed by the reflexive pronoun.
(15) - Couch (v. t.) To lay upon a bed or other resting place.

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