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Crocus meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

جنس زعفران ۔ کُرکم ۔ سوسنی جنس کا کوئی بھی گُٹھیلی جڑ کا پودا ۔ آہنی قلعی ۔ دھات کا کوئی بھی آکسائیڈ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Crocus (n.) A deep yellow powder; the oxide of some metal calcined to a red or deep yellow color; esp., the oxide of iron (Crocus of Mars or colcothar) thus produced from salts of iron, and used as a polishing powder.
(2) - Crocus (n.) A genus of iridaceous plants, with pretty blossoms rising separately from the bulb or corm. C. vernus is one of the earliest of spring-blooming flowers; C. sativus produces the saffron, and blossoms in the autumn.

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