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Deaden meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

کمزور ہونا ۔ مردہ کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Deaden (a.) To deprive of gloss or brilliancy; to obscure; as, to deaden gilding by a coat of size.
(2) - Deaden (a.) To make vapid or spiritless; as, to deaden wine.
(3) - Deaden (a.) To lessen the velocity or momentum of; to retard; as, to deaden a ship's headway.
(4) - Deaden (a.) To make as dead; to impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation; to lessen the force or acuteness of; to blunt; as, to deaden the natural powers or feelings; to deaden a sound.

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