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Defeat meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

مغلوب کرنا ۔ ہرانا ۔ محو کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Defeat (v.) An overthrow, as of an army in battle; loss of a battle; repulse suffered; discomfiture; -- opposed to victory.
(2) - Defeat (v.) Frustration by rendering null and void, or by prevention of success; as, the defeat of a plan or design.
(3) - Defeat (v.) An undoing or annulling; destruction.
(4) - Defeat (v. t.) To resist with success; as, to defeat an assault.
(5) - Defeat (v. t.) To overcome or vanquish, as an army; to check, disperse, or ruin by victory; to overthrow.
(6) - Defeat (v. t.) To render null and void, as a title; to frustrate, as hope; to deprive, as of an estate.
(7) - Defeat (v. t.) To undo; to disfigure; to destroy.

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