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Depend meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

منحصر ہونا ۔ بھروسہ رکھنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Depend (v. i.) To impend.
(2) - Depend (v. i.) To serve; to attend; to act as a dependent or retainer.
(3) - Depend (v. i.) To trust; to rest with confidence; to rely; to confide; to be certain; -- with on or upon; as, we depend on the word or assurance of our friends; we depend on the mail at the usual hour.
(4) - Depend (v. i.) To rely for support; to be conditioned or contingent; to be connected with anything, as a cause of existence, or as a necessary condition; -- followed by on or upon, formerly by of.
(5) - Depend (v. i.) To hang in suspense; to be pending; to be undetermined or undecided; as, a cause depending in court.
(6) - Depend (v. i.) To hang down; to be sustained by being fastened or attached to something above.

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