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Dilate meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

کھولنا ۔ بڑھانا ۔ چوڑا کرنا ۔ پھیلنا ۔ مفصل کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Dilate (a.) Extensive; expanded.
(2) - Dilate (v. i.) To speak largely and copiously; to dwell in narration; to enlarge; -- with on or upon.
(3) - Dilate (v. i.) To grow wide; to expand; to swell or extend in all directions.
(4) - Dilate (v. t.) To enlarge upon; to relate at large; to tell copiously or diffusely.
(5) - Dilate (v. t.) To expand; to distend; to enlarge or extend in all directions; to swell; -- opposed to contract; as, the air dilates the lungs; air is dilated by increase of heat.

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