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Diminish meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

کم کرنایا ہونا ۔ کوتاہ کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Diminish (v. i.) To become or appear less or smaller; to lessen; as, the apparent size of an object diminishes as we recede from it.
(2) - Diminish (v. t.) To take away; to subtract.
(3) - Diminish (v. t.) To make smaller by a half step; to make (an interval) less than minor; as, a diminished seventh.
(4) - Diminish (v. t.) To lessen the authority or dignity of; to put down; to degrade; to abase; to weaken.
(5) - Diminish (v. t.) To make smaller in any manner; to reduce in bulk or amount; to lessen; -- opposed to augment or increase.

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