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Dismount meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

نیچے آنا ۔ نا زل ہونا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Dismount (v. t.) To throw or remove from the carriage, or from that on which a thing is mounted; to break the carriage or wheels of, and render useless; to deprive of equipments or mountings; -- said esp. of artillery.
(2) - Dismount (v. t.) To take down, or apart, as a machine.
(3) - Dismount (v. t.) To throw or remove from a horse; to unhorse; as, the soldier dismounted his adversary.
(4) - Dismount (v. t.) To throw or bring down from an elevation, place of honor and authority, or the like.
(5) - Dismount (v. i.) To alight from a horse; to descend or get off, as a rider from his beast; as, the troops dismounted.
(6) - Dismount (v. i.) To come down; to descend.

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