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Disrelish meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

ناپسند ۔ کراہت ۔ نفرت ۔ کراہت کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Disrelish (v. t.) To deprive of relish; to make nauseous or disgusting in a slight degree.
(2) - Disrelish (v. t.) Not to relish; to regard as unpalatable or offensive; to feel a degree of disgust at.
(3) - Disrelish (n.) Absence of relishing or palatable quality; bad taste; nauseousness.
(4) - Disrelish (n.) Want of relish; dislike (of the palate or of the mind); distaste; a slight degree of disgust; as, a disrelish for some kinds of food.

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