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Drench meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

جلاب ۔ موسلا دھار بارش ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Drench (n.) A military vassal mentioned in Domesday Book.
(2) - Drench (v. t.) A drink; a draught; specifically, a potion of medicine poured or forced down the throat; also, a potion that causes purging.
(3) - Drench (v. t.) To steep in moisture; to wet thoroughly; to soak; to saturate with water or other liquid; to immerse.
(4) - Drench (v. t.) To cause to drink; especially, to dose by force; to put a potion down the throat of, as of a horse; hence. to purge violently by physic.

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