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Encore meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

مکرر، پھر سے، مکرر کی صدا مُکرّر ۔ پھر سے ۔ تماشائیوں کی صدا جیسے دوبارہ ارشاد ہو ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Encore (v. t.) To call for a repetition or reappearance of; as, to encore a song or a singer.
(2) - Encore (n.) A call or demand (as, by continued applause) for a repetition; as, the encores were numerous.
(3) - Encore (adv. / interj.) Once more; again; -- used by the auditors and spectators of plays, concerts, and other entertainments, to call for a repetition of a particular part.

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