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Entry meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

داخلہ ۔ اندراج ۔ بازیابی ۔ قبضہ ۔ دخل ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Entry (n.) The act in addition to breaking essential to constitute the offense or burglary.
(2) - Entry (n.) A putting upon record in proper form and order.
(3) - Entry (n.) The actual taking possession of lands or tenements, by entering or setting foot on them.
(4) - Entry (n.) The exhibition or depositing of a ship's papers at the customhouse, to procure license to land goods; or the giving an account of a ship's cargo to the officer of the customs, and obtaining his permission to land the goods. See Enter, v. t., 8, and Entrance, n., 5.
(5) - Entry (n.) That by which entrance is made; a passage leading into a house or other building, or to a room; a vestibule; an adit, as of a mine.
(6) - Entry (n.) The act of making or entering a record; a setting down in writing the particulars, as of a transaction; as, an entry of a sale; also, that which is entered; an item.
(7) - Entry (n.) The act of entering or passing into or upon; entrance; ingress; hence, beginnings or first attempts; as, the entry of a person into a house or city; the entry of a river into the sea; the entry of air into the blood; an entry upon an undertaking.

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