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Exhibit meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

پیش کرنا ۔ آشکار کرنا ۔ دکھانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Exhibit (n.) A document produced and identified in court for future use as evidence.
(2) - Exhibit (n.) Any article, or collection of articles, displayed to view, as in an industrial exhibition; a display; as, this exhibit was marked A; the English exhibit.
(3) - Exhibit (v. t.) To administer as a remedy; as, to exhibit calomel.
(4) - Exhibit (v. t.) To submit, as a document, to a court or officer, in course of proceedings; also, to present or offer officially or in legal form; to bring, as a charge.
(5) - Exhibit (v. t.) To hold forth or present to view; to produce publicly, for inspection; to show, especially in order to attract notice to what is interesting; to display; as, to exhibit commodities in a warehouse, a picture in a gallery.

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