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Exogen meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

بَرُوئِندہ ۔ بَر نَمُو ۔ پَودہ ۔ نا کارہ نَو ۔ دو فَلقے سے تَعَلُق رَکھنے والا کوئی پَودا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Exogen (n.) A plant belonging to one of the greater part of the vegetable kingdom, and which the plants are characterized by having c wood bark, and pith, the wood forming a layer between the other two, and increasing, if at all, by the animal addition of a new layer to the outside next to the bark. The leaves are commonly netted-veined, and the number of cotyledons is two, or, very rarely, several in a whorl. Cf. Endogen.

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