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Expire meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

دم چھوڑنا ۔ دم نکلنا ۔ مرنا ۔ سانس نکل جانا ۔ ختم ہونا ۔ میعاد ختم ہونا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Expire (v. i.) To burst forth; to fly out with a blast.
(2) - Expire (v. i.) To come to an end; to cease; to terminate; to perish; to become extinct; as, the flame expired; his lease expires to-day; the month expired on Saturday.
(3) - Expire (v. i.) To emit the last breath; to breathe out the life; to die; as, to expire calmly; to expire in agony.
(4) - Expire (v. i.) To emit the breath.
(5) - Expire (v. t.) To bring to a close; to terminate.
(6) - Expire (v. t.) To emit; to give out.
(7) - Expire (v. t.) To give forth insensibly or gently, as a fluid or vapor; to emit in minute particles; to exhale; as, the earth expires a damp vapor; plants expire odors.
(8) - Expire (v. t.) To breathe out; to emit from the lungs; to throw out from the mouth or nostrils in the process of respiration; -- opposed to inspire.

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