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Falter meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

پس و پیش کرنا ۔ لڑکھڑانا ۔ ہچکچانہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Falter (v. i.) Hesitation; trembling; feebleness; an uncertain or broken sound; as, a slight falter in her voice.
(2) - Falter (v. t.) To utter with hesitation, or in a broken, trembling, or weak manner.
(3) - Falter (v. & n.) To fail in distinctness or regularity of exercise; -- said of the mind or of thought.
(4) - Falter (v. & n.) To hesitate in purpose or action.
(5) - Falter (v. & n.) To tremble; to totter; to be unsteady.
(6) - Falter (v. & n.) To hesitate; to speak brokenly or weakly; to stammer; as, his tongue falters.
(7) - Falter (v. t.) To thrash in the chaff; also, to cleanse or sift, as barley.

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