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Fineness meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

کھرا پن ۔ یعنی اگر یہ کہا جائے کہ سونے میں ۸۰۰ کھرا پن ہے ۔ عُمدَگی ۔ خالِص پَن ۔ خاصِیَت ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Fineness (a.) Keenness or sharpness; as, the fineness of a needle's point, or of the edge of a blade.
(2) - Fineness (a.) The proportion of pure silver or gold in jewelry, bullion, or coins.
(3) - Fineness (a.) Freedom from foreign matter or alloy; clearness; purity; as, the fineness of liquor.
(4) - Fineness (a.) The quality or condition of being fine.

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