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Flash meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

شور کا نکلنا ۔ چمکنا ۔ کودنا ۔ تیزی سے حرکت میں آنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Flash (n.) A sudden and brilliant burst, as of wit or genius; a momentary brightness or show.
(2) - Flash (v. i.) To break forth, as a sudden flood of light; to burst instantly and brightly on the sight; to show a momentary brilliancy; to come or pass like a flash.
(3) - Flash (v. i.) To burst forth like a sudden flame; to break out violently; to rush hastily.
(4) - Flash (v. t.) To send out in flashes; to cause to burst forth with sudden flame or light.
(5) - Flash (v. t.) To convey as by a flash; to light up, as by a sudden flame or light; as, to flash a message along the wires; to flash conviction on the mind.
(6) - Flash (v. t.) To cover with a thin layer, as objects of glass with glass of a different color. See Flashing, n., 3 (b).
(7) - Flash (n.) To trick up in a showy manner.
(8) - Flash (v. i.) To burst or break forth with a sudden and transient flood of flame and light; as, the lighting flashes vividly; the powder flashed.
(9) - Flash (n.) A sudden burst of light; a flood of light instantaneously appearing and disappearing; a momentary blaze; as, a flash of lightning.
(10) - Flash (n.) A reservoir and sluiceway beside a navigable stream, just above a shoal, so that the stream may pour in water as boats pass, and thus bear them over the shoal.
(11) - Flash (n.) The time during which a flash is visible; an instant; a very brief period.
(12) - Flash (n.) A preparation of capsicum, burnt sugar, etc., for coloring and giving a fictious strength to liquors.
(13) - Flash (a.) Showy, but counterfeit; cheap, pretentious, and vulgar; as, flash jewelry; flash finery.
(14) - Flash (a.) Wearing showy, counterfeit ornaments; vulgarly pretentious; as, flash people; flash men or women; -- applied especially to thieves, gamblers, and prostitutes that dress in a showy way and wear much cheap jewelry.
(15) - Flash (n.) Slang or cant of thieves and prostitutes.
(16) - Flash (n.) A pool.
(17) - Flash (n.) To strike and throw up large bodies of water from the surface; to splash.

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