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Flight meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

اڑان ۔ پرواز ۔ ہوا میں پرواز ۔ پرواز کا طریقہ ۔ گریز ۔ فرار ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Flight (n.) The husk or glume of oats.
(2) - Flight (n.) A kind of arrow for the longbow; also, the sport of shooting with it. See Shaft.
(3) - Flight (n.) A series of steps or stairs from one landing to another.
(4) - Flight (n.) A number of beings or things passing through the air together; especially, a flock of birds flying in company; the birds that fly or migrate together; the birds produced in one season; as, a flight of arrows.
(5) - Flight (n.) Lofty elevation and excursion;a mounting; a soa/ing; as, a flight of imagination, ambition, folly.
(6) - Flight (n.) The act of fleeing; the act of running away, to escape or expected evil; hasty departure.
(7) - Flight (n.) The act or flying; a passing through the air by the help of wings; volitation; mode or style of flying.

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