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Foot meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

پاؤں ۔ پیر ۔ چال ۔ قدم ۔ رفتار ۔ ذیل میں ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Foot (n.) The lower edge of a sail.
(2) - Foot (n.) The muscular locomotive organ of a mollusk. It is a median organ arising from the ventral region of body, often in the form of a flat disk, as in snails. See Illust. of Buccinum.
(3) - Foot (n.) That which corresponds to the foot of a man or animal; as, the foot of a table; the foot of a stocking.
(4) - Foot (n.) The lowest part or base; the ground part; the bottom, as of a mountain or column; also, the last of a row or series; the end or extremity, esp. if associated with inferiority; as, the foot of a hill; the foot of the procession; the foot of a class; the foot of the bed.
(5) - Foot (n.) Fundamental principle; basis; plan; -- used only in the singular.
(6) - Foot (n.) Recognized condition; rank; footing; -- used only in the singular.
(7) - Foot (n.) A measure of length equivalent to twelve inches; one third of a yard. See Yard.
(8) - Foot (n.) The terminal part of the leg of man or an animal; esp., the part below the ankle or wrist; that part of an animal upon which it rests when standing, or moves. See Manus, and Pes.
(9) - Foot (n.) A combination of syllables consisting a metrical element of a verse, the syllables being formerly distinguished by their quantity or length, but in modern poetry by the accent.
(10) - Foot (v. t.) To renew the foot of, as of stocking.
(11) - Foot (v. i.) To tread to measure or music; to dance; to trip; to skip.
(12) - Foot (v. i.) To walk; -- opposed to ride or fly.
(13) - Foot (v. t.) To kick with the foot; to spurn.
(14) - Foot (v. t.) To set on foot; to establish; to land.
(15) - Foot (v. t.) To tread; as, to foot the green.
(16) - Foot (v. t.) To sum up, as the numbers in a column; -- sometimes with up; as, to foot (or foot up) an account.
(17) - Foot (v. t.) The size or strike with the talon.
(18) - Foot (n.) Soldiers who march and fight on foot; the infantry, usually designated as the foot, in distinction from the cavalry.

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