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Forage meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

دانہ ۔ چار ہ ۔ گھوڑوں کی غذا ۔ لوٹنا ۔ اجاڑنا ۔ خرابکرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Forage (v. t.) To strip of provisions; to supply with forage; as, to forage steeds.
(2) - Forage (v. i.) To wander or rove in search of food; to collect food, esp. forage, for horses and cattle by feeding on or stripping the country; to ravage; to feed on spoil.
(3) - Forage (n.) Food of any kind for animals, especially for horses and cattle, as grass, pasture, hay, corn, oats.
(4) - Forage (n.) The act of foraging; search for provisions, etc.

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