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Foreign meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

اجنبی ۔ غیر ملکی ۔ بدیسی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Foreign (a.) Held at a distance; excluded; exiled.
(2) - Foreign (a.) Remote; distant; strange; not belonging; not connected; not pertaining or pertient; not appropriate; not harmonious; not agreeable; not congenial; -- with to or from; as, foreign to the purpose; foreign to one's nature.
(3) - Foreign (a.) Not native or belonging to a certain country; born in or belonging to another country, nation, sovereignty, or locality; as, a foreign language; foreign fruits.
(4) - Foreign (a.) Outside; extraneous; separated; alien; as, a foreign country; a foreign government.

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