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Gale meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

تند ہوا کا جھونکا ۔ نسیم سحری ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Gale (n.) The payment of a rent or annuity.
(2) - Gale (n.) A plant of the genus Myrica, growing in wet places, and strongly resembling the bayberry. The sweet gale (Myrica Gale) is found both in Europe and in America.
(3) - Gale (v. i.) To sing.
(4) - Gale (n.) A song or story.
(5) - Gale (v. i.) To sale, or sail fast.
(6) - Gale (n.) A state of excitement, passion, or hilarity.
(7) - Gale (n.) A moderate current of air; a breeze.
(8) - Gale (n.) A strong current of air; a wind between a stiff breeze and a hurricane. The most violent gales are called tempests.

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