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Gallantry meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

جوانمردی ۔ عالی ہمتی ۔ بہادری ۔ بلند ہمتی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Gallantry (n.) Gallant persons, collectively.
(2) - Gallantry (n.) Civility or polite attention to ladies; in a bad sense, attention or courtesy designed to win criminal favors from a female; freedom of principle or practice with respect to female virtue; intrigue.
(3) - Gallantry (n.) Bravery; intrepidity; as, the troops behaved with great gallantry.
(4) - Gallantry (n.) Splendor of appearance; ostentatious finery.

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