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Gleam meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

شعاع ۔ کرن ۔ دھیمی روشنی ۔ آبداری ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Gleam (v. t.) To shoot out (flashes of light, etc.).
(2) - Gleam (v. t.) To shine; to cast light; to glitter.
(3) - Gleam (v. t.) To shoot, or dart, as rays of light; as, at the dawn, light gleams in the east.
(4) - Gleam (n.) Brightness; splendor.
(5) - Gleam (n.) A shoot of light; a small stream of light; a beam; a ray; a glimpse.
(6) - Gleam (v. i.) To disgorge filth, as a hawk.

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