Godwit meaning in Urdu & English |
English to Urdu Dictionary
لَم ڈھینگ ۔ زقزاقِ آبی ۔ لِموسا جِنس کا آبی پَرِندہ جِس کی لَمبی چونچ قَدرے اُوپَر کو مُڑی ہوتی ہے ۔
English to English Dictionary
(1) - Godwit (n.) One of several species of long-billed, wading birds of the genus Limosa, and family Tringidae. The European black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa), the American marbled godwit (L. fedoa), the Hudsonian godwit (L. haemastica), and others, are valued as game birds. Called also godwin.