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Halt meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

مقام ۔ جگہ ۔ پڑاؤ ۔ ڈیرہ ۔ ٹھرنا ۔ مقام کرنا ۔ فوج ٹھہرانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Halt (a.) To have an irregular rhythm; to be defective.
(2) - Halt (a.) To walk lamely; to limp.
(3) - Halt (n.) The act of limping; lameness.
(4) - Halt (a.) Halting or stopping in walking; lame.
(5) - Halt (v. t.) To cause to cease marching; to stop; as, the general halted his troops for refreshment.
(6) - Halt (v. i.) To stand in doubt whether to proceed, or what to do; to hesitate; to be uncertain.
(7) - Halt (v. i.) To hold one's self from proceeding; to hold up; to cease progress; to stop for a longer or shorter period; to come to a stop; to stand still.
(8) - Halt (n.) A stop in marching or walking, or in any action; arrest of progress.
(9) - Halt () 3d pers. sing. pres. of Hold, contraction for holdeth.

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