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Hazard meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

چوسر کا ایک کھیل ۔ اتفاق ۔ واردات ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Hazard (v. i.) To try the chance; to encounter risk or danger.
(2) - Hazard (n.) To venture to incur, or bring on.
(3) - Hazard (n.) To expose to the operation of chance; to put in danger of loss or injury; to venture; to risk.
(4) - Hazard (n.) Anything that is hazarded or risked, as the stakes in gaming.
(5) - Hazard (n.) Holing a ball, whether the object ball (winning hazard) or the player's ball (losing hazard).
(6) - Hazard (n.) Risk; danger; peril; as, he encountered the enemy at the hazard of his reputation and life.
(7) - Hazard (n.) The uncertain result of throwing a die; hence, a fortuitous event; chance; accident; casualty.
(8) - Hazard (n.) A game of chance played with dice.

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