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Hinder meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

روکنا ۔ منع کرنا ۔ مزاحمت کرنا ۔ باز رکھنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Hinder (v. i.) To interpose obstacles or impediments; to be a hindrance.
(2) - Hinder (a.) To prevent or embarrass; to debar; to shut out.
(3) - Hinder (a.) To keep back or behind; to prevent from starting or moving forward; to check; to retard; to obstruct; to bring to a full stop; -- often followed by from; as, an accident hindered the coach; drought hinders the growth of plants; to hinder me from going.
(4) - Hinder (a.) Of or belonging to that part or end which is in the rear, or which follows; as, the hinder part of a wagon; the hinder parts of a horse.

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