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Horseman meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

گُھڑ سوار ۔ شہ سوار ۔ گھُڑ سواری کا ماہِر ۔ وہ شخص جو گھوڑے پالے ، اُن کا اِنتظام وغیرہ کرے ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Horseman (n.) A West Indian fish of the genus Eques, as the light-horseman (E. lanceolatus).
(2) - Horseman (n.) A land crab of the genus Ocypoda, living on the coast of Brazil and the West Indies, noted for running very swiftly.
(3) - Horseman (n.) A mounted soldier; a cavalryman.
(4) - Horseman (n.) A rider on horseback; one skilled in the management of horses; a mounted man.

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