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Hurtle meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

دھکا دینا ۔ متصادم ہونا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Hurtle (v. t.) To push; to jostle; to hurl.
(2) - Hurtle (v. t.) To move with violence or impetuosity; to whirl; to brandish.
(3) - Hurtle (v. t.) To make a threatening sound, like the clash of arms; to make a sound as of confused clashing or confusion; to resound.
(4) - Hurtle (v. t.) To move rapidly; to wheel or rush suddenly or with violence; to whirl round rapidly; to skirmish.
(5) - Hurtle (v. t.) To meet with violence or shock; to clash; to jostle.

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