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Hygroscopic meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

جاذبِ نم، جاذبِ رَطوبَت، نَم گیرانا نَم گیر ۔ پانی کو جَذَب کَرنے والا نم گِیر ۔ رطُوبت نمایانہ ۔ نم کَش ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Hygroscopic (a.) Having the property of readily inbibing moisture from the atmosphere, or of the becoming coated with a thin film of moisture, as glass, etc.
(2) - Hygroscopic (a.) Of or pertaining to, or indicated by, the hygroscope; not readily manifest to the senses, but capable of detection by the hygroscope; as, glass is often covered with a film of hygroscopic moisture.

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