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Illustrate meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

شرح کرنا ۔ توضیح کرنا ۔ روشن کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Illustrate (a.) Illustrated; distinguished; illustrious.
(2) - Illustrate (v. t.) To give renown or honor to; to make illustrious; to glorify.
(3) - Illustrate (v. t.) To adorn with pictures, as a book or a subject; to elucidate with pictures, as a history or a romance.
(4) - Illustrate (v. t.) To make clear, intelligible, or apprehensible; to elucidate, explain, or exemplify, as by means of figures, comparisons, and examples.
(5) - Illustrate (v. t.) To set in a clear light; to exhibit distinctly or conspicuously.
(6) - Illustrate (v. t.) To make clear, bright, or luminous.

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