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Indented meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

دندانہ دار ۔ کنگرہ دار ۔ دنتیلا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Indented (a.) Notched along the margin with a different color, as the feathers of some birds.
(2) - Indented (a.) Bound out by an indenture; apprenticed; indentured; as, an indented servant.
(3) - Indented (a.) Notched like the part of a saw consisting of the teeth; serrated; as, an indented border or ordinary.
(4) - Indented (a.) Having an uneven, irregular border; sinuous; undulating.
(5) - Indented (a.) Cut in the edge into points or inequalities, like teeth; jagged; notched; stamped in; dented on the surface.
(6) - Indented (imp. & p. p.) of Indent

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