Infix meaning in Urdu & English |
English to Urdu Dictionary
گاڑنا، جڑنا، لگانا میں لگانا ۔ اندر بند کرنا ۔ داخِل کرنا ۔ نصب کرنا ۔ گاڑنا ۔ میں لَگانا ۔ اندَر بَند کَرنا ۔ داخِل کَرنا ۔ نَصَب کَرنا ۔ گاڑنا ۔
English to English Dictionary
(1) - Infix (n.) Something infixed. (2) - Infix (v. t.) To implant or fix; to instill; to inculcate, as principles, thoughts, or instructions; as, to infix good principles in the mind, or ideas in the memory. (3) - Infix (v. t.) To set; to fasten or fix by piercing or thrusting in; as, to infix a sting, spear, or dart.