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Junk meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

جہاز کا پرانا رسہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Junk (n.) A large vessel, without keel or prominent stem, and with huge masts in one piece, used by the Chinese, Japanese, Siamese, Malays, etc., in navigating their waters.
(2) - Junk (n.) Hard salted beef supplied to ships.
(3) - Junk (n.) Old iron, or other metal, glass, paper, etc., bought and sold by junk dealers.
(4) - Junk (n.) Pieces of old cable or old cordage, used for making gaskets, mats, swabs, etc., and when picked to pieces, forming oakum for filling the seams of ships.
(5) - Junk (n.) A fragment of any solid substance; a thick piece. See Chunk.

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