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Language meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

بولی، زبان، کلام زُبان ۔ بھاشا ۔ بولی ۔ لِسان ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Language (v. t.) To communicate by language; to express in language.
(2) - Language (n.) A race, as distinguished by its speech.
(3) - Language (n.) The vocabulary and phraseology belonging to an art or department of knowledge; as, medical language; the language of chemistry or theology.
(4) - Language (n.) The suggestion, by objects, actions, or conditions, of ideas associated therewith; as, the language of flowers.
(5) - Language (n.) The inarticulate sounds by which animals inferior to man express their feelings or their wants.
(6) - Language (n.) The characteristic mode of arranging words, peculiar to an individual speaker or writer; manner of expression; style.
(7) - Language (n.) The forms of speech, or the methods of expressing ideas, peculiar to a particular nation.
(8) - Language (n.) The expression of ideas by writing, or any other instrumentality.
(9) - Language (n.) Any means of conveying or communicating ideas; specifically, human speech; the expression of ideas by the voice; sounds, expressive of thought, articulated by the organs of the throat and mouth.

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