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Latch meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

ٹخنی ۔ بلی ۔ بند کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Latch (n.) To catch or fasten by means of a latch.
(2) - Latch (n.) To catch so as to hold.
(3) - Latch (n.) A crossbow.
(4) - Latch (n.) A latching.
(5) - Latch (n.) A movable piece which holds anything in place by entering a notch or cavity; specifically, the catch which holds a door or gate when closed, though it be not bolted.
(6) - Latch (n.) That which fastens or holds; a lace; a snare.
(7) - Latch (v. t.) To smear; to anoint.

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