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Lean meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

دبلا پتلا ۔ لاغر ۔ کمزور ۔ غذا کا ٹوٹا ہوا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Lean (n.) Unremunerative copy or work.
(2) - Lean (n.) That part of flesh which consist principally of muscle without the fat.
(3) - Lean (v. i.) Of a character which prevents the compositor from earning the usual wages; -- opposed to fat; as, lean copy, matter, or type.
(4) - Lean (v. i.) Wanting fullness, richness, sufficiency, or productiveness; deficient in quality or contents; slender; scant; barren; bare; mean; -- used literally and figuratively; as, the lean harvest; a lean purse; a lean discourse; lean wages.
(5) - Lean (v. i.) Wanting flesh; destitute of or deficient in fat; not plump; meager; thin; lank; as, a lean body; a lean cattle.
(6) - Lean (v. i.) To cause to lean; to incline; to support or rest.
(7) - Lean (v. i.) To rest or rely, for support, comfort, and the like; -- with on, upon, or against.
(8) - Lean (v. i.) To incline in opinion or desire; to conform in conduct; -- with to, toward, etc.
(9) - Lean (v. i.) To incline, deviate, or bend, from a vertical position; to be in a position thus inclining or deviating; as, she leaned out at the window; a leaning column.
(10) - Lean (v. t.) To conceal.

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