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Loneliness meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

ایکانت، تنہائی، گوشھ نشینی، خلوت گزینی، تجرد پسندی تنہائی ۔ ویرانی ۔ اکیلا پن ۔ خلوت گزینی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Loneliness (n.) A feeling of depression resulting from being alone.
(2) - Loneliness (n.) Love of retirement; disposition to solitude.
(3) - Loneliness (n.) The state of being unfrequented by human beings; as, the loneliness of a road.
(4) - Loneliness (n.) The condition of being lonely; solitude; seclusion.

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