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Lop meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

کترنا ۔ قلم کرنا ۔ گرانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Lop (a.) Hanging down; as, lop ears; -- used also in compound adjectives; as, lopeared; lopsided.
(2) - Lop (v. t.) To let hang down; as, to lop the head.
(3) - Lop (v. i.) To hang downward; to be pendent; to lean to one side.
(4) - Lop (n.) That which is lopped from anything, as branches from a tree.
(5) - Lop (v. t.) To cut partly off and bend down; as, to lop bushes in a hedge.
(6) - Lop (v. t.) To cut off as the top or extreme part of anything; to sho/ -- by cutting off the extremities; to cut off, or remove as superfluous parts; as, to lop a tree or its branches.
(7) - Lop (n.) A flea.

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