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Lust meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

ہوائے نفس ۔ شہوت ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Lust (n.) To have an eager, passionate, and especially an inordinate or sinful desire, as for the gratification of the sexual appetite or of covetousness; -- often with after.
(2) - Lust (n.) To list; to like.
(3) - Lust (n.) Hence: Virility; vigor; active power.
(4) - Lust (n.) Licentious craving; sexual appetite.
(5) - Lust (n.) Longing desire; eagerness to possess or enjoy; -- in a had sense; as, the lust of gain.
(6) - Lust (n.) Inclination; desire.
(7) - Lust (n.) Pleasure.

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