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Melt meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

پگھلانا ۔ گلانا ۔ پانی کرنا ۔ نرم کرنا ۔ گداز کرنا ۔ نرم کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Melt (v. i.) To disappear by being dispersed or dissipated; as, the fog melts away.
(2) - Melt (v. i.) To lose distinct form or outline; to blend.
(3) - Melt (v. i.) Hence: To be softened; to become tender, mild, or gentle; also, to be weakened or subdued, as by fear.
(4) - Melt (v. i.) To dissolve; as, sugar melts in the mouth.
(5) - Melt (v. i.) To be changed from a solid to a liquid state under the influence of heat; as, butter and wax melt at moderate temperatures.
(6) - Melt (v.) Hence: To soften, as by a warming or kindly influence; to relax; to render gentle or susceptible to mild influences; sometimes, in a bad sense, to take away the firmness of; to weaken.
(7) - Melt (v.) To reduce from a solid to a liquid state, as by heat; to liquefy; as, to melt wax, tallow, or lead; to melt ice or snow.
(8) - Melt (n.) See 2d Milt.

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