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Middlings meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

مَتوَسطین ۔ اوسط دَرجے کی چیزیں ۔ اوسط معیار ۔ اوسط دَرجے کا باریک میدہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Middlings (n. pl.) In the southern and western parts of the United States, the portion of the hog between the ham and the shoulder; bacon; -- called also middles.
(2) - Middlings (n. pl.) A combination of the coarser parts of ground wheat the finest bran, separated from the fine flour and coarse bran in bolting; -- formerly regarded as valuable only for feed; but now, after separation of the bran, used for making the best quality of flour. Middlings contain a large proportion of gluten.

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