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Mingle meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

ملانا ۔ آمیزش کرنا ۔ ترکیب کرنا ۔ مخلوط کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Mingle (n.) A mixture.
(2) - Mingle (v. i.) To become mixed or blended.
(3) - Mingle (v. t.) To make or prepare by mixing the ingredients of.
(4) - Mingle (v. t.) To put together; to join.
(5) - Mingle (v. t.) To deprive of purity by mixture; to contaminate.
(6) - Mingle (v. t.) To associate or unite in society or by ties of relationship; to cause or allow to intermarry; to intermarry.
(7) - Mingle (v. t.) To mix; intermix; to combine or join, as an individual or part, with other parts, but commonly so as to be distinguishable in the product; to confuse; to confound.

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