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Modest meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

با حیا ۔ با عظمت ۔ پاکدامن ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Modest (a.) Evincing modestly in the actor, author, or speaker; not showing presumption; not excessive or extreme; moderate; as, a modest request; modest joy.
(2) - Modest (a.) Observing the proprieties of the sex; not unwomanly in act or bearing; free from undue familiarity, indecency, or lewdness; decent in speech and demeanor; -- said of a woman.
(3) - Modest (a.) Restraining within due limits of propriety; not forward, bold, boastful, or presumptious; rather retiring than pushing one's self forward; not obstructive; as, a modest youth; a modest man.

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